Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sam Adams, Local Natives, Remixes

    Well I haven't updated for a while, that's for sure. My bad. Keeping a blog that I want to be mildly respectable and not just links while also working through the last year of college can be a hassle. So that's why I'm beginning this update with I Hate College by Sam Adams. I can't stand that "i love college" song, I just don't like the kid's flow or anything about the original. But I can relate with this one.
  Sam Adams - I Hate College by

Next, I've been meaning to update about Local Natives. The band is out of LA and their album, Gorilla Manor came out in February. Definitely been into this band lately.
  Wide Eyes by Local Natives

Want to hear a great remix of Flo Rida's Club Can't Handle Me mashed with Kings of Leon's USe Somebody? Yes, you do.
  Club Can't Handle Somebody (Kings of Leon vs. Flo Rida) by DJZJ

Finally, if you read this you know I love Vampire Weekend. I saw them on their first tiny tour and it was great. I saw them again the other night, now all grown up, and it was mind blowing. If you have the opportunity you really should go to one of their shows.

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