Saturday, August 29, 2009

Boxcar Rebellion and/or The Katherine Moore Situation

So Friday night (last night), nattily attired (as usual) and smartly groomed (also as usual), I strolled downtown to the famous Blue Moon Tavern, where so many of my illustrious forebears have swapped tales, wisdom, and unnamed substances while enjoying the very best of Seattle's indie music.

Anticipating a great show from The Katherine Moore Situation, I walked up to the tavern's blue-neon-lit front door... only to be confronted by a sign: 21+ Only. Undaunted, I continued into the tavern - where I was promptly asked for ID. Having not yet walked this earth for 21 years, and not being among those who have acquired documents that claim (with whatever amount of prevarication) that they have, I took my leave, muttering various imprecations under my (as always) fresh breath.

Walking about Seattle's University District, sipping on a green tea latte and various balms for my slightly wounded ego, I took the opportunity to whip out (in a manner not unlike Cleavon Little) my mp3 player and listen to Boxcar Rebellion's new EP.

Boxcar Rebellion, it should be noted, is not The Katherine Moore Situation. But it's close! that it shares some of the same musicians and some of the same songs. Two of those songs in common are embedded with this post, and the energetic, soul-fuelled blues that fills them is really cool to listen to. You can download the whole EP - six songs - from for free, if you feel like it. I haven't been able to find any mp3s from The Katherine Moore Situation, but you can listen to a lot of their music on their Myspace. Good stuff.

Boxcar Rebellion - Hallelujah

Boxcar Rebellion - Kansas

In News From My Life... I've spent the last couple of days looking for apartments, and I've put in an application for a studio about a mile from the UW (that's the University of Washington, for all you proles out there). With luck, I'll have a place to live by the first of September. Seattle so far is a little bit overwhelming - it's a heckuva lot more crowded than Deland - but I've got a feeling that after I get settled, I'm going to love it.

Have a great Saturday afternoon, everyone! Enjoy the tunes!

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